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Ball Spin Setup

Selecting the Ball Spin Detection method

There are currently 4 methods of ball spin detection:


Spin calculated using balls without markings

The spin rate is then calculated from ball and club data.

Note that as long as the shot is reasonably straight,

the difference between measured and calculated ball spin is mostly marginal


Using balls with spin dots on them

The spin rate is then measured

The advantage of using spin dot balls compared to using the ball logo or line,

is that you don't have to bend down to align the ball logo or line to the camera.


Using balls with a line or strong black logo

This method is mostly very accurate but requires the user to bend down to align the ball logo or line to the camera.


Random or no markings on ball

i.e. using balls without any special markings.

VisTrak SCX Ball Spin Detection

Random, Talor made Pix or no markings on ball method

Detecting spin from Taylor Made Pix balls

Current test results show that spin detection works best with the Taylor Made Pix balls

Main reasons are that

1. In contrast to using the ball logo, no matter what ball in flight frames are used to calculate the spin, there are always 2 frames showing the Pix images

2. In contrast to launch monitor proprietary balls with spin dots on them, TaylorMade Pix balls are readily available in any golf store for a regular ball price

Measuring Ball Spin from an overhead ceiling mounted camera

using image pixel shift and rotation matching methods

This method consists of taking an array of pixel levels of the ball image in 2 adjacent frames

and obtaining a match with a series of pixel shifting and rotation procedures.

Using this method, rotation (and thus back and side spin) can be detected even with just a smudge mark on the ball.

i.e. this method is not looking for any specific dots or markings on the ball

so any ball can be used as long as there's something on the ball that is not pure white.

Using balls with spin dots on them

The biggest issue users are having is that the spin dot itself is not being detected due to incorrect ball Line/Spot GS (Gray scale) setup.

The above image (from a customer shot video) shows the issue with longer exposure times

and out of focus lenses when attempting to detect ball spin dot markings.

Exposure times need to be under 200 us to reduce motion blur caused by the ball traveling at high speeds.

Nether-the-less, if increasing the Ball Spot GS (gray scale) to 200,

then even out of focus and blurry ball dots can be detected.

Note that only well defined and spaced spin dot balls or balls with a strong logo can be used ( as shown above).

Note that camera exposure time (i.e. shutter speed) has to be set at or below 100 micro seconds and frame set to 1500 fps.

Lighting requirements in order to measure ball spin with the ceiling mounted SCX

Measured ball spin requires clear non-blurry images of the ball in flight so that ball markings can be clearly seen.

This can only be accomplished by reducing the camera's exposure time to below 200 micro-seconds,

which in turn requires strong lighting.

If not using the narrow beam IR lights (as featured in the SCX IR),

the system will have to feature additional lighting.

i.e. 4 LED track lights


When using the CM Vision narrow beam angle lights, camera shutter speeds can be reduced to well under 100 micro seconds.

This will ensure that ball motion blur is at a minimum and ball markings are clearly visible

GSA Golf Hi-intensity CM Vision IR narrow beam lights

Track Lighting

4 hi-power LED zoom-able track light system with 800 Lumens per light with track

Note that the VisTrak systems require that the camera shutter speed has to be at or below 200 micro seconds

if ball spin is to be measured and not calculated.

Note that the "Ball line/Spot GS" (Gray Scale) may ( depending on your lighting )

have to be adjusted up or down in order to detect the ball spin dot or ball logo.

System automatically selects the best 2 frames of the ball in flight to measure ball spin

You can also re-calculate the spin with other frames of the ball in flight just by selecting the frame and clicking in the spin video box.

New Ball Spin detection using the ball logo

for overhead SCX and Eagle systems

You can now select the option "Spin line / Logo on ball" to measure ball spin for overhead camera systems (i.e. SCX and Eagle).

As the logo will not always be visible in the frames, the system now automatically scans for 2 adjacent fames showing the ball logo

in all the 16 ball speed frames.

VisTrak EVi / LX2

Ball Spin Detection from the Side camera

Note that no additional lighting is required with the LX2 and EVi (near) systems as the light source is very close to the ball

The default camera exposure time for the LX2 Vcam is just 50 micro seconds

Using the ball logo or line

When the EVi or LX Vcam is placed close to the ball (i.e within 12 to 16 inches),

the camera detects ball spin rate using either the ball logo or ball spin dots.

The difference between the 2 angles ( known as the Delta angle ) represents the amount of ball spin rotation in degrees between 2 frames.

Together with the frame rate time, the spin rate can be calculated based on the amount of rotation using the below formula.

RPM = ( degrees of rotation / 360 degrees) / time in minutes.

Using balls with spin dots on them

The Vcam with EVi and LX systems view the ball from the side.

Rotation - when using spin dot balls - is calculated around the center of the ball between frames

Note that the "Ball line/Spot GS" (Gray Scale) may have to be adjusted up or down in order to detect the spin dot or ball logo/line.

EV Ball Spin Detection from the overhead camera

Ball spin can also be measured from the EV overhead camera

Rotation and spin axis is calculated by comparing x and y spin dot deviation positions between frames

Ball spin for Putts

Measured ball spin when putting is done without the requirement to use ball markings.


Spin Dot / Ball Logo Detection issues

In order to detect the spin dots on the ball or ball logos, the images should be sharp and clear.

In order to achieve this, the camera exposure time has to be fast (i.e. around 100 us) with bright lighting.

If the exposure time is too long (i.e. 300 us plus) then image blur will occur and the dots will appear faint.

Adjusting the "Ball Line/Spot GS" (gray scale) to a very high level (i.e. 200) can help though.

Click above to read more about ball spin detectionn theory...

Ball Spin rate accuracy verification method

In order to verify the ball spin rate accuracy of the VisTrak SCX system,

we'll need a solid reference. i.e. frames of a spinning ball with a known spin rate.

To do this, we used a variable speed DC motor with a marked golf ball on it.

First we'd have to accurately measure the spin rate of the motor.

This was done by using a laser tachometer and a black rubber disc with a white strip on it attached to the motor's spindle.

In this case, the reading was 2488 rpm

Note that you can't use a tachometer with a golf ball because laser tachometers only read single white markings on a dark background.

We then replaced the black rubber disc with a marked golf ball on the motor's spindle

and setup the VisTrak camera to capture 32 frames of the spinning ball.

We then compared the spin rate readings from the VisTrak SCX cameras with the tachometer reading.

The small discrepancy was rectified by increasing the spin rate adjust factor from 100 to 109 percent

Virtual spin dots for SCX testers

The virtual spin dot mode is basically just a tool used by GSAgolf to simulate ball markings on the ball

and to view the resulting measured back and side spin rate

Virtual spin dots are used to test the spin detection method.

In the camera panel, Select a frame with a ball shown in it.

Select spin dot or logo on ball spin method.

Press the V key on your keyboard to go to Virtual Dot Mode

Use arrow left/right/up/ down keyboard keys to move dots around on the ball

The dots can be moved around anywhere on the ball image

and the resulting back and side spin rates - based on their co-ordinates - will be automatically shown.

Ball Spin Test Videos

For those that are interested, I've made a collection of ball spin videos using line/logo marked balls, QED marked balls and Rapsodo marked balls.

Click the above image to download the videos (32 MB compressed)

All 32 frame videos were captured at 1500 fps with the ball spinning at 2488 rpm.

Each ball type consists of 4 different viewing angles: Top, Side, Tilted Top and Tilted side.

To try the videos, copy the video number from the downloaded sub folder into the C:\ GSAgolf folder on your PC.

Go to the Videos panels and select the video number and go to camera 1.

Select any frame and press the 1 key on your keyboard, then go to the next frame and press the 2 key.

Then click on the spin video box to re-calculate the spin rate from the 2 frames you have previously selected

GSA Golf use these ball spin videos to simulate various ball marking position scenarios to confirm the correct measured ball spin

Sample shot videos

Sample Video 3 is from an LX2 system (running at 1500 fps) showing the top and side views of the club striking the ball

and capturing ball spin from a ball logo or line on the ball

GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download

The full version VisTrak software can be used to evaluate the system with real time image processing

from sample shot videos sent to us frome customers.

Use the above download to install the full version Control Panel with sample shot videos.

Download includes SCX, EVi and LX2 sample shot videos

Comparison Ball spin video playback images

with ProTee VX, Apogee and Uneekor QED

ProTee VX

$ 6,499

The ProTee VX is using the ball logo or any marking on the ball to detect spin

Even though the ball logo appears very faint, all test reports say the method produces very accurate spin rate detection

Uneekor QED

$ 7,000

The Uneekor QED is using balls with dots on them to detect spin

The yellow dots show where the black dots on the ball were in the previous frame.

The distance and direction the dots move between frames is used to calculate the back and side spin rates.

TruGolf Apogee

$ 9,000

Based on the above Apogee low resolution post shot video playback image,

I have no idea how the Apogee captures all the club data (face angle, path and speed) using just one dot

plus all ball spin parameters (i.e. back and side spin)

GSA Golf VisTrak SCX


$ 1,699

As with the ProTee VX, the VisTrak SCX can also ball back and side spin eithout any speacial markings on the ball



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