Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner
Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf
I've made a few videos here to demonstrate some of the many features of my camera based tracking systems for you.
While they may not be the most professional videos ever made, they do give you a basic idea of what my systems are capable of.
Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions.
Club and ball shot hi-speed video playback
GC3, SkyTrak, MLM2Pro, TrackMan and Mevo etc
If you already have a launch monitor but doesn't show a post shot video of your club making contact with the ball,
then our hi-speed video capturing systems will add this feature to your existing system.
Floor or Ceiling mounted camera systems available
Click above image to read more about our shot video capture systems
Click above button to read more about how VisTrak systems compare with other systems
Sample shot videos
GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download
If you'd like to view real shot videos in the GSA Golf VisTrak Control Panel software
click the above link to download and install the latest version of the Control Panel with real customer sample shot videos.
To view the videos, go to the VisTrak Videos panel in the Control Panel and click the "Load Sample Videos".
Select video 1, 2 or 3.
Note that when loading the sample videos, the system type will change.
Video 1 ( with enhanced spin dot ball images) was generated from an SCX system and Video 2 from an EVi/LX2 system
Sample Video 1 is from a stereo camera SCX system
Sample Video 2 camera 1 is from an EVi system showing the overhead view of the club striking the ball
Sample Video 2 camera 2 is from an EVi system showing the side view of the club striking the ball
Sample Video 3 is from an LX2 system (recorded at 1500 fps) showing the top and side views of the club striking the ball
Download includes sample shot videos
Plus free 18 hole golf course game software
Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.
Please note that the below You Tube videos are somewhat old now
and don't always truly represent the current status of the systems.
We therefore recommend using the real time sample videos using the above full software download
The new "Mini" shot videos are immediately displayed in the game software after every shot.
The video window can be positioned anywhere in the game software.
The dual video playback feature is available with the LX2, KX2 and EVi systems
YouTube VisTrak Ball Spin video
Click above image to watch the new YouTube VisTrak ball spin video
VisTrak with TGC video
VisTrak with E6 Connect video
VisTrak Intro Video
VisTrak SSi Setup Video
VisTrak Setup Video
VisTrak IR V Stereo Video
VisTrak KX Video
VisTrak Vcam Video
VisTrak LX Video
Note that the new LX2 also captures club face angle, path and speed.
The VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only floor mounted launch monitor that features a true horizontal camera
that captures club face angle, club path and speed with video shot playbackof both the vertical and horizontal cameras.
VisTrak LX, Eagle and SCX Club detection Video
VisTrak Play procedure Video
VisTrak Carry distance adjustments Video
How to create support videos and screen shots
Click above images to read more ...
Tracking software
Click above image to learn more...
Post shot videos
Note that after every shot, you can view the video of the shot as an overlay on in the game software
Full panel post shot video overlay
For those that would prefer to see the VisTrak video full panel after a shot instead of the smaller window video,
you can now set this option ON in the setup window.
Many more VisTrak Support videos plus TGC and E6 with VisTrak demo videos coming soon
Additional videos
Many more videos coming soon with VisTrak
TGC, GS Pro and E6 golf simulator game software
GSA Pro software
GS Pro $250 per annum
Click above image to learn more...