GSA Golf develop and manufacture the world's most affordable, yet most advanced and comprehensive
hi-speed camera golf simulator tracking systems on the market today
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This ceiling mounted, camera based system accurately measures club and ball data
without the need for specialty balls or marked clubs !
Currently the world's most advanced hi-speed tracking system
$ 6,499
New NVISAGE launch monitor
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Compare the VisTrak SCX to its competitors
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Drape enclosures
from $ 5,499.00 with flooring $ 2,999.00 without flooring
(click above to read more...)
Box frame enclosures from $ 2,999.00
(click above to read more...)
Golf Bays Simulator enclosures from $ 1,999.00
(click above to read more...)
Budget enclosures from $ 999.00
(click above to read more...)
Padded wall enclosures
Click above image to read more about padded enclosures
Golf Simulator Drapes
from $ 349
9ft 10 High X 10ft wide
(click above to read more...)
Solid wall and cage enclosures from $ 2,499
(click above to read more...)
Tracking Systems
This ceiling mounted, camera based system accurately measures club and ball data
without the need for specialty balls or marked clubs !
Currently the world's most advanced hi-speed tracking system
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All data is user verifiable with photographic evidence
In contrast to most other systems - (especially radar based systems where essentially zero data is user verifiable)
all data with the VisTrak hi-speed camera systems is user verifiable with photographic and video shot playback evidence.
i.e. you can see with your own eyes in the shot video playback the real vertical (ball LA) and horizontal (ball path) angles of the shot
plus club face angle at impact to the ball and club path.
Even ball spin can be user verified.
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VisTrak Product Overview
Similar product market overview
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Standard size screens from $185
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Retractable screens
Click above image to read more about retractable screens and enclosures
Monitor stands
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Try it before you buy it
GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download
The full version VisTrak software can be used to evaluate the system with real time image processing
from sample shot videos sent to us frome customers.
Use the above download to install the full version Control Panel with sample shot videos.
Used for first time installations on new PCs
or for those that would like to run a fresh new installation.
Download includes sample shot videos
The GSA Golf EVi and KX systems feature dual hi-speed camera 32 frame shot playback videos from both the top and side cameras after every shot
VisTrak systems from $ 899 !
The world's first affordable hi-speed camera club and ball tracking system
Note that all GSA Golf systems are completely modular - start with just 1 camera or sensor mat and add more cameras and features as and when requirement or budget allows.
GSA Golf - World class golf simulators you can afford
Enclosure layout
F series Full scale systems from just $8,999 !
The F3 System detects fades, draws, hooks, slices with both club and ball tracking cameras.
GSA Golf offer an amazing selection of golf simulation software
Choose from 7 different software systems
E6, TGC, RedChain, GS Pro, Creative Golf 3D and ProX
Choose from all these state-of-the-art golf course software versions
with over 200,000! golf courses
All GSA Golf camera tracking systems interface with the following golf game software
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Tracking software
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Software only - without cameras and lighting
SCX Control Panel and 18 hole course game software.
Purchase your own cameras and lighting
The GSA Golf camera tracking software can be purchased separately for those that are purchasing their own cameras.
1500 fps Cameras are available on Amazon for $280 each.
All additional products required to build your own high-speed golf simulator camera tracking system are available on Amazon.
Including cameras, cables and lights.
Control Panel and 18 hole course game software.
Purchase your own hi-speed 1500 fps cameras ($280) and lighting on Amazon
Runs with E6, TGC, GSpro, CG3D and ProX game software.
Price $399
CP Evaluation version $ 69.00
Great for evaluation with E6, GSpro, TGC, CG3d etc - playable with the mouse.
Includes 18 hole GSA golf course
Note: if purchasing the evaluation version and you later decide to purchase a camera system or full version CP
the $69 will be refunded
Video Swing Capture software
Click above to read more ...
E6 Connect
Add E6 golf course software for just $399 extra per annum
Add "The Golf Club" 150,000 golf course software for just $999 extra
GS Pro
GS Pro $250 per annum
Click above image to learn more...
Creative Golf 3D
Currently in development
Click the above image to read more about the GSA Golf F-Series full systems starting at $ 8,999
The F-Studio enclosure with Trackman
Click above to read more about PC's and Projectors
These are just a small number of the international countries GSA Golf regularly ship to other than our USA home country
GSA Golf golf simulator components and kits
CX and Vistrak system components can be used to build the complete GSA Golf golf simulator camera tracking system
at a far lower price than the ready made system prices
Click above to read more about GSA Golf components and kits
Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner
Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf
Regularly check out my tech news page for all our latest developments and free updates
if you have any questions
please feel free to contact me personally anytime from M to F 10am to 3pm US ET
Currently looking into integrating AI technology into GSA Golf tracking systems
Contact us
GSA Golf reseller / investor inquirers welcome