Golf Simulator Cameras
SCX Launch Monitors
All data is user verifiable
In contrast to most other systems - (especially radar based systems where essentially zero data is user verifiable)
all data with the VisTrak hi-speed camera systems is user verifiable.
i.e. you can see with your own eyes in the shot video playback the real vertical (ball LA) and horizontal (ball path) angles of the shot
plus club face angle at impact to the ball and club path.
Even ball spin can be user verified.
The S stands for Stereo,C for Camera, X for System
VisTrak SCX hi-speed camera systems from just
Amazing Value !
Nearest competitors for an overhead hi-speed camera system like the VisTrak SCX are in the $5,500 to $19,000 range
Uneekor QED at $7,000
Uneekor Eye XO at $10,000
ProTee VX at $6,500
Nvisage at $4,999
Apogee at $11,500
GC Hawk at $19,000
No one else even comes close !
GSA Golf develop and manufacture the world's most affordable, yet most advanced and comprehensive
hi-speed camera golf simulator tracking systems and Golf Launch Monitors on the market today
VisTrak SCX IR
Ceiling mounted hi speed stereo camera Launch Monitor with non-visible IR Lighting
Cameras are calibrated with laser precision aligned to ensure best accuracy
All SCX cameras are factory laser precision aligned before shipping now.
Plus, all new cased SCX systems now come with a free laser mount alignment tool as well.
Note that the free supplied laser mount tool is not the same as the ball placement guide laser.
For starters, it is battery operated, so will run flat after a day or so if left on.
It is also not software controllable, so will stay permanently on and not flash.
The line range is also very wide (15ft in all directions) and not concentrated on the ball placement mat area.
Stereo hi-speed 3000 fps ! camera ball and club tracking system
The amazing value VisTrak SCX
framed with internal Panel IR lighting
Price $2,999
Data captured: ball speed, ball path, ball launch angle, ball spin, club speed, club path, club face angle
Compare the VisTrak SCX to its competitors
Click above image to view a detailed comparison
Click above image to view YouTube videos
Try it before you buy it
GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download
Use the above download to install the full version Control Panel with sample shot videos.
Download includes sample shot videos
Plus free Swing Capture software
Plus free 18 hole golf course game software
Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.
Game software options
Click above images to read more ...
GSA Golf VisTrak cameras function with all the above golf simulator course software
Please note that if you already own any of the above software systems and it was licensed for a tracking system other than GSAgolf
then you will have to contact the respective software company to have your license converted to GSA Golf systems.
Currently our best selling system
Hi-speed ceiling mounted stereo camera tracking system
with laser precision calibrated and aligned cameras
IR monochrome cameras
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price $1,999
Build the SCX yourself
SCX DIY price
GSA Golf CP camera control and image processing software : $299
Total DIY price: $1,109
go to the Reseller page for a parts list
SCX Mounting Layout
Optional Extras
Laser Ball Placement Indicator
Optional extra laser ball placement guide
Note: as of September 2024, all SCX systems come with a free ball placement and mounting alignment laser
Laser automatically switches off when ball is located.
Indicates to user that the ball has been detected in the launch zone area on the mat and ready for swing
The VisTrak SCX has all the regular club and ball tracking features with video swing playback
In addition, users will be able to view a separate ball spin video - in the top right corner - of the regular shot playback video as shown above.
This feature allows the user to visible see how the ball is spinning and in what directing it is spinning for every shot.
New Ball Spin detection using the ball logo
for overhead SCX and Eagle systems
You can now select the option "Spin line / Logo on ball" to measure ball spin for overhead camera systems (i.e. SCX and Eagle).
As the logo will not always be visible in the frames, the system now automatically scans for 2 adjacent fames showing the ball logo
in all the 16 ball speed frames.
Optional Ball markings
24 Bridgestone spin dot balls
$ 59.98
The SCX requires that the balls have dot markings on them and the camera shutter speed has to be at or below 100 micro seconds
if ball spin is to be measured and not calculated.
If not using the narrow beam IR lights, this will require that the system have to feature additional lighting.
i.e. 8 LED track lights instead the standard 4 track lights
SCX systems view ball from above. Rotation and spin axis is calculated by comparing x and y spin dot deviation positions between frames
Optional Club markings
One or two white strips can be applied to the leading edge of irons and the top edge of woods
in order for the system to detect more precise club face angle, speed and path.
However, the system will also function with regular clubs without these markings.
You can use sticky-back white glossy photo paper as club strips
Club Detection Setup
with or without reflective stickers
Click above to read how the system detects club data with or without reflective stickers
VisTrak vs GC2 comparison results
Just in from independent tester Phil in the UK that has a GC2 and is running comparison tests with his VisTrak system
Vistrak 12.99 mph, GC2 13.0 2 mph
Vistrak 6.36 mph, GC2 6.0 3 mph
Vistrak 16.5 mph, GC2 17.3 mph
Vistrak 49.73 mph, GC2 49.2
Full shots
Vistrak 80.37 mph , GC2 78.9 2 mph
Vistrak 78.63 mph , GC2 79.8 3 mph
Vistrak 87.22 mph, GC2 88.0 mph
SCX Dynamic ROI (Region of Interest)
The Dynamic ROI feature allows the user to place the ball in a 2ft wide area on the hitting surface
VisTrak AOA
AOA launch angle and club loft comparisons are shown
The red balls show what the launch angle would be if ball was struck square to the ball so that the LA would equal the loft of the club
The white balls show what the actual LA was for the shot.
SCX Installation
Click the above button to go to the SCX installation page
Click above to watch a selection of setup and intro videos
Click above to read more about GSA Golf full scale systems ...
Game software
GSA Golf 18 hole course game software included free of charge
World's first and only golf simulator camera tracking software
for use with low cost commercially available hi-speed cameras
Software only - without cameras and lighting
SCX Control Panel and 18 hole course game software.
Purchase your own hi-speed cameras and lighting on Amazon
Runs with E6, TGC, GSpro, CG3D and ProX game software.
The GSA Golf camera tracking software can be purchased separately for those that are purchasing their own cameras.
1500 fps Cameras are available on Amazon for $280 each.
All additional products required to build your own high-speed golf simulator camera tracking system are available on Amazon.
Including cameras, cables and lights.
Price $399
Simbox enclosure with VisTrak SCX hi-speed stereo camera tracking
$ 4,999.00
Note: Flooring, PC and Projector not included
Technical Support
Email and remote access support is available for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.
E-mail support is free of charge for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.
2 free remote access support sessions are available for first time buyers.
After that, remote access support is available for $75 per session (max 1 hr per session)
Remote support sessions are available 7 days a week (including weekends i.e. Sat or Sun) at 2pm ET
Remote access support requires that you have "TeamViewer" installed on your PC
Go to to get your free team viewer installed
SCX Track Lighting
All SCX systems come with the extra 4 head LED lighting track that vastly increases image brightness
For those just purchasing stand alone cameras, you can purchase the LED Light Track separately
4 LED zoomable track light system 800 Lumens per light
LED Lighting Track
Price $199
LED Lighting Track
with green LED ball strip indicating looking for ball (flashing)
and constant ON when ball located
Price $199
GSA Golf Hi-intensity CM Vision IR narrow beam lights
Price $299 each
(2 required for the SCX)
GSA Golf system minimum PC requirements
Intel i5 or above Processor with a desktop gaming PC
Warning! Do not use PC's with AMD processors or Laptops!
8GB RAM Nvidia 1070 Graphics Card or equivalent
25GB of Hard Drive Space
Windows 10 or 11 (Required)
Internet Connection
(Required if using 3rd party game software such as E6, TGC or GSPro)
USB3 port (Required)
Note: The cameras are USB3 cameras
and will only run at the correct speed when connected via USB3 cables directly to separate USB3 ports on the PC
If using 2 cameras, do not connect the cameras together with a Hub !
All cameras must be directly connected to separate USB3 ports on the PC
Use only the supplied powered USB3 extension cables
Warning : Do not use Laptops
Laptop PCs are usually not powerful enough to run the cameras due to the limited band width of the USB 3 bus in laptops
and the gaming software (i.e. E6. TGC, Gs pro etc)
as the demand on the graphics card will be quite great and updating graphics cards on Laptops may not be possible.
ProTee VX vs VisTrak SCX
No doubt many readers of this web-site will be asking "so what are the pros and cons of the VisTrak SCX compared to the ProTee VX ?"
As the developer of the SCX system, I will still try to be as unbiased as possible with this short pros and cons summary here.
Point 1: Price
Straight off the bat, the first thing that stands out is the massive price difference between the VX and the SCX.
i.e. the VX at $6,400 is over 3 times the price of the SCX at $1,999.
For those on a tighter budget, this could be a deciding factor.
Point 2: Ball speed, VLA and HLA accuracy
We've got this nailed nicely with the VisTrak EV system (i.e. it's spot on) but the SCX is tad off at the moment.
Current disparity mapping development should fix this soon though.
So, currently, the VX is probably more accurate.
Point 3: Club face angle, path and speed
As long as the setup is correct, the SCX's club data detection is just as accurate as the VX's
Point 4: Spin detection accuracy
Again, we've got this nailed nicely with the VisTrak EV system (i.e. it's spot on) but the SCX is somewhat off at the moment.
Both the SCX and the VX use the ball's logo to determine ball back and side spin, so there shouldn't be a big difference..
Until we can confirm the SCX ball spin accuracy, we'll assume the VX is far more accurate.
Point 5: Image clarity
On the whole, ball and club image clarity is better with the VX compared with the statndard lens SCX.
SCX images using the standard 12mm IR Lens tend to appear a bit more blurry in comparison.
However, this is mainly due to the default SCX exposure time being too long and insufficient lighting with the use of IR Lenses.
If the user defined exposure time on the SCX is reduced to under 150 micro seconds, the motion blur is significantly reduced and thus the images are clearer.
Point 6: Camera FOV
The SCX's FOV with 12mm lenses is significantly smaller than that of the VX.
Uses are thus having to place the ball within a smaller area on the hitting mat
However, the SCX can be fitted with 8mm lenses which will double the FOV
Point 7: Ease of installation and complexity
The VX has the upper hand on this. The SCX requires quite a bit more time to setup
Point 8: Weight
Compared to the SCX (a real light weight here, weighing in at just 4 lbs) the VX appears to be pretty heavy ( not sure exactly what it is, but I was told upwards of 30 lbs).
Point 9: Looks.
While the VX comes in nice looking case, the standard SCX is just a track.
Still looks pretty good though with its bright green or blue "ball detected and system ready" LED strip light.
Note that the SCX is also available with a frame case for an additional $700.
Point 10: Ball launch lag time.
The VX is amazingly fast with little to no lag time between ball strike and ball launch in the system.
The SCX (with an approximate 1.5 second lag time) is about the same as a Trackman in this area.
See the $20,000 Trackman ball launch lag time in the above video.
BTW I think a small lag time is good thing because you then have time to look up and see how the ball launches from ground.
Otherwise, by the time you look up, the ball is already half-way down the fairway.
Point 11: Versatility.
The SCX has the upper-hand here because the cameras are accessible and can be re-mounted into different configurations.
For example you can re-mount one SCX camera to the center of the ceiling and the other at floor level
so that the camera views the ball from the side (showing attack angle) as well as from above.
Point 12: Color option
The SCX can run with color cameras, whereas - to the best of our knowledge at least - the VX only features monochrome cameras
Point 13: Camera frame rate
The SCX can run both cameras at full 1500 fps. Not sure what the frame rate is for the VX but I assume it's similar or higher
Point 14: Camera resolution
The SCX cameras have a max resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.
Not sure what the resolution of the VX cameras are but it is assumed they are far higher. At least 1280 x 1024 or even more.
Point 15: Lighting
The standard SCX comes with 4 500k LED visible light track lights.
The SCX cased version comes with with 2 24 IR LED lights in addition to the 4 track lights
To the best of our knowledge, the VX features 2 very high power IR LED lights.
The VX IR lights seem to be far more powerful than the SCX IR lights (either that or the VX cameras are more sensitive to IR light than the SCX cameras).
Point 16: Cabling
While the VX only requires 1 Cat cable to be connected to the PC
the SCX requires 2 USB3 cables (36ft with supplied power adapters)
Bottom line:
The VX beats the SCX on most points here (at least at present anyway) except the price.
So, if you're looking for the best and can afford the price, then the ProTee VX is the hands down winner.
On the other hand, if price is an issue, then nothing on the market today beats the SCX
for an overhead mounted hi-speed camera system in the $2,000 range.
In fact, the SCX is the only hi-speed overhead camera tracking system in this price range.
No one else even comes close!
Hope this small summary helps in your decision.
The SCX can be converted to a Video Swing Capture SC system
simply by swapping out the lenses and repositioning the cameras
The SC systems also measure ball data for use as a launch monitor in golf simulators
i.e. you don't require an additional launch monitor
Click above image to
Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner
Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf
GSA Golf reseller inquirers welcome
Contact me - Martin - for details
Tel: 239 529 3060
Warranty and Return Policy
Warranty is 1 year for the cameras
Returns must be made within 30 days and have a 15% to 20% restocking fee
Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy
Note that a 15% to 20% re-stocking fee (depending on condition) will be charged in the event of a return
Customer is required to return the product at own expense. ie, GSA Golf do not send free return labels
Note: this 30 day return policy does not include 3rd party game software such as TGC,
enclosure items such as screens, flooring, drapes, panels etc.
i.e. it is solely for camera tracking systems
Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy
Commercial use of GSA Golf tracking systems
GSA Golf VisTrak tracking systems are solely intended for use for private individuals at home.
As such, GSA Golf is not responsible for any issues that may occur when the products are used in a commercial environment
such as an indoor golf facility
and do not accept any responsibility for loss of business should the products not perform to customer's of a commercial enterprise expectations.
Use of GSA Golf products in a commercial environment is solely at the risk of the purchaser.
While all basic technical support is offered to purchasers of GSA Golf systems used in a commercial enterprise
no additional support is offered unless paid for.
Recommended system for commercial indoor golf facilities
By far the best tracking system for commercial use is the ProTee VX
Click the above image for more info