Golf Simulator Cage and Solid Wall Enclosures
Fabric Wall and Cage Frame enclosures
Click above image to read more about the Pro Fabric Enclosure
GSA Golf Pro Fabric enclosures
Solid black knit fabric Pro enclosures from $2,999
All sizes available:
10' wide 8' high
12' wide 9' high
15.5' wide 10' high
5' , 10' or 15' deep
Self standing black knit fabric GSA Golf Pro enclosures with premium 3 layer impact screen
12' wide - 9' high - 5ft deep
Frame fittings included - tubing not included
$ 2,999.00
12' wide - 9' high - 10ft deep
Frame fittings included - tubing not included
$ 3,399.00
Golf Bays Simulator enclosures from $ 1,999.00
(click above to read more...)
Note that GSA Golf enclosures are suitable for all other golf simulator systems
and launch monitors on the market today
from OptiShot, Mevo+, SkyTrak, etc to FlightScope, GC2, GC Quad, GC Hawk and Trackman systems
Contact us for further details
GSA Pro Enclosure optional extras
GSA Pro padded flooring througout
Padded grass turf. Color: OliveGreen 3/8" to 1/2" thick
15ft * 20ft Price $1,599 + $299 shipping
Fiberbuilt Golf mat systems
with interlocking foundations
Studio dual 4' x 4' stance mat and fairway grass panels with interlocking foundation
$ 1,349
Canopy / Awning
Note that we don't supply ready made canopies but this is how you can build one
Suspended Canopy
If you don't have a ceiling suitable for mounting the canopy,
you can make up a frame like this out of 2 x 4" and 2 x 8" wood beams and use suspension cable systems secured to the back wall.
Drape tracks can be then mounted directly to the frame and the center beam can be used to mount the projector, lights and cameras.
The fabric covered canopy panels and ceiling drape can also be mounted to the frame
Hanging drape Awning/Canopy
A simple, inexpensive but effective awning is to hang 1 or 2 foot or so wide pocket heavy drape along the front
and optionally on the sides from the ceiling around the enclosure.
Use conduit pipe or drape rod clamped to the ceiling to suspend the drape
Awning pocket drape - black 20 oz napped both sides, hemmed on all sides
Custom size up to 18ft long x 2ft wide
Use conduit pipe or drape rod clamped to the ceiling to suspend the drape
Awning pocket drape - black 20 oz napped both sides, hemmed on all sides
Custom size up to 18ft wide x 2ft long
Price :
$ 299.00
6ft * 12ft less reflective padded turf grass mat suitable for camera systems
Price $399 + $99 shipping
Cage frame enclosure fittings
GSA Golf cage tube frame kit
Consisting of multi way fittings for 1 inch tube
1 inch conduit tubing is available at most Home Depot and Lowes stores in 10 ft lenths for around $7.00 each.
Cut to size or extend tube lengths using the coupling. Use conduit clamps to secure to floor
You can make your enclosure any size you like by adding additional pipe lengths with the FC connectors or cutting down the standard 10ft pipe lengths to your requirements.
The above image shows frames for a 10 foot high, 10 foot deep and 15 foot wide enclosure
Standard enclosure depths are 5ft, 10ft and 12 ft.
Rear extensions can also be added for additional stability
Number of EMT conduit 10ft tubes required:
for a 10'w 10'h 10'd enclosure without rear extension = 14
for a 10'w 10'h 10'd enclosure with rear extension = 19
for a 15'w 10'h 10'd enclosure without rear extension = 16
for a 15'w 10'h 10'd enclosure with rear extension = 24
Note that pipe/tubes will start to sag and bend under the tension of the screen and the weight of the drapes and projector if too long
To prevent this, use ceiling support mounts along the center beam.
These can also be made out of the FT fittings using steel pipe/tube cut to lengths with brackets
Set of 16 standard enclosure frame fittings without rear extensions are
4 FC + 2 FL + 2 FT + 2 F3 + 8 F4
Set of additional 8 rear extension fittings are
2 FC + 2 F4 + 4 F3 + 2 FT
Full set of all tube fittings
Price : $ 699.00
Note: Price of tubing, tube pipe insulation, and center beam wood not included as these items are too long
and thus too expensive to ship and should be purchased locally at your Home Depot or Lowes hardware store
International customers!
Please note: This product is only available for this price for US resident customers only.
Contact us if you are outside the US for a shipping quote for this product.
If you're an international customer and ignore this warning and still click the "Buy Now" button to process the transaction
then the product will not be shipped and a 10% refund charge will be applied.
Call or Email us to purchase individual tube fittings
1 inch diameter pipe tubing
14 x 10ft lengths $ 399
Double layer drapes
An alternative method of covering the exposed piping on the inside is to use two drape layers.
One layer for the outside and one for the inside.
Two 10ft drape rods secured to the top left and right pipe frames are used to support the inner drape
Two heavy duty (120lb tensile strength) black plastic ties are used to fasten the inside drape rods to the pipes at both ends
The inner drape is then simply hung through and over the two rods and fastened with cable ties to the bottom pipes
Once the inner drape is up and hanging you can add more ties - inserted through the drape - to the rod and remove the two outer ties
so that the drape can be drawn further forward to cover any exposed piping.
If using drapes rods is not preferred, then the inner wall drapes can be wrapped around the piping and held in place with black plastic ties.
First mount the left and right inner wall drapes - use clamps to temporarily hold the drape in place over the pipe frame - and tie the drape ends to the piping with plastic ties spaced at around a foot apart.
Use the supplied awl hole pin puncher to pierce a hole through both ends of the drape that is wrapped around the pipe
and thread the tie through the drape holes and around the lower and upper frame pipes.
The one piece outer wall and ceiling drape simply hangs over the entire enclosure frame and again is secured to the lower frame pipes with ties
Screen valance
The screen bungeee cords and tubing are covered with a screen valance made of a number of 12ft x 8 inch wide black fultron strips
These thick black Fulton lengths are ideally suited for screen valances and give the screen a professional finished look
Set of 4 black Fulton rolls (48 ft) for screen sizes up to 15 ft wide and 9ft high
$ 199.00
These screen valances can also be used to cover any exposed tubing if using a tube frame enclosure
Complete Set of drapes and cage fittings for single layer cage enclosure
consisting of 2 heavy side drapes with grommets 10 ft wide, 9 to 13ft high with 10ft x 18ft ceiling drape
plus full set of all tube fittings
consisting of 16 standard cage enclosure frame fittings
4 FC + 2 FL + 2 FT + 2 F3 + 8 F4
plus additional 8 rear extension fittings
2 FC + 2 F4 + 4 F3 + 2 FT
Price : $ 2,399.00
Complete Set of drapes and cage fittings for double layer cage enclosure 10ft deep
consisting of 2 heavy side inner drapes with grommets 9.6 ft wide, 9 to 13ft high with 10ft x 18ft ceiling drape
plus 2 lighter weight outer side drapes 9,6 ft wide (deep) , 9 to 13ft high
Price : $ 3,199.00
Complete Set of drapes and cage fittings for double layer cage enclosure 14ft deep
consisting of 2 heavy side inner drapes with grommets up to 14ft wide( deep), 9 to 13ft high with 10ft x 18ft ceiling drape
plus 2 lighter weight outer side drapes upt o 14ft wide (deep) , 9 to 13ft high
Price : $ 3,899.00
International customers!
Please note: This product is only available for this price for US resident customers only.
Contact us if you are outside the US for a shipping quote for this product.
The above shows what the cage enclosure looks like before the drapes have been fitted
(Image from Rich Collins)
Matt D's indoor golf facility GSA Golf wide screen drape enclosures nearing completion
Track drape enclosure screen mounting
As track drape enclosures don't have a full enclosure frame cage,
a method has to be devised to suspend and mount the screen without this frame
The screens can be mounted without an enclosure frame directly to the floor and ceiling using clamps, hooks and bungee cords
You can also mount the screens like this without a screen frame but note then that there will be no side tension on the screen so some waving might appear in the screen
Mounting screen using rear extension frame only
Alternatively, if you have enough room behind the screen, you can mount the screen on just a rear extension frame
The rear frame would probably have to be secured to the floor and rear wall with pipe clams
Set of 12 rear flat screen tube fittings
8 F3 + 2 FT + 2 F4 = $399
Solid Wall Enclosures
An alternative to the tube/pipe frame is to use 2"x4" construction lumber wood.
It's main advantages are
1. Stronger more rigid frame structure with solid padded walls
2. Cleaner look
3. Relatively inexpensive
More assembly time
Lumber for a 12-16 ft wide, 9-10 ft high, 12-16ft deep enclosure will cost aprox $100
Plywood panels aprox $200
Wall panel carpet approx $300
A recommended carpet is : Beaullieu of America - Type: Dayside Ebony, Product 6670-890 which is available at your local Home Depot store at around $4.00 a per ft 6ft wide.
Fire retardant ceiling drape $150
Optional sheet cork panel backing (for further sound and shock absorption) around $300
Optional awning panel $300
Total price then is aprox : $ 1000
Note that 2x4 lumber is available in lengths up to 16 ft so you can make your enclosure up to 16ft wide.
Also note that the area immediately behind the impact screen must be free for screen impact give so you can't use vertical support beams immediately behind the screen area.
For every 4ft of depth a new 4ft x Height frame section is required. The above image shows an 8ft deep enclosure using two frame sections per side.
If you only require a depth of 4ft then only one frame section is required. For a 16ft deep enclosure, 4 frame sections are required per side.
Other than the screen and bungee cords, all parts for this enclosure are available at any good hardware store (i.e. Home Depot or Lowes)
If don't want to build this yourself, you can usually find a good local carpenter to make it up for you.
Assembly and construction time shouldn't be more than 3 days (at the most) so even with an hourly rate of $50.00 it won't cost you an "arm and a leg" i.e. the cost won't be more than $1,200
Oh - and by the way - just in case you were wondering where that old English expression comes from, here's the answer:
Back in the day, before the invention of photography, you'd have to commission an artist to paint yourself or a loved one for a rendering.
Prices for such work would vary greatly depending on whether it was just a face portrait or a full figure rendering including arms and legs.
Adding "arms and legs" would thus be far more expensive.
So now you know.
How to glue carpet to the walls
If you have a dedicated room for your golf simulator, then you can also line the walls with carpet.
Click above image to read more about padded panel enclosures
Instead of lining the walls of the enclosure with carpet
you can also use padded wall panels
The finished panels can be adhered to the walls using either Velcro or double sided tape.
Click above image to read more about padded panel enclosures
A completed solid wall enclosure with flooring and awning
A solid wall enclosure during construction
Using carpet to cover side walls
If you have a dedicated room where the room width is the same as the screen width
then you can also simply cover the side walls with roll carpet or carpet tiles.
A recommended carpet is : Beaullieu of America - Type: Dayside Ebony, Product 6670-890 which is available at your local Home Depot store at around $4.00 a per ft 6ft wide.
GSA Golf SimLux
custom High-End solid construction enclosures
GSA Golf solid construction enclosures feature laminate plywood, cork, carpet padded walls and ceilings, grass fiber hitting surfaces and grass turf rubber laminate flooring
Prices from $15,000 for our SimLux enclosures